College creation
dimanche 22 avril 2018, par ,
During 2013, we proposed to animate a creation workshop of the game Feelings in the college of Vouillé in Vienna. The director immediately found the project very interesting, thinking right away of the 4th rotation class, with students in difficulty at the school level.
By proposing an alternative to the usual pedagogical framework, it seemed interesting to mobilize the skills of these students and to improve the quality of their relationships. We received the agreement of the rectorate for our intervention within the establishment, which was therefore able to start in early 2014.
The workshop was facilitated by the educational consultant, a medical intern preparing her thesis on bullying, the professor of visual arts, other teachers intervening on a few sessions and ourselves. 10 one-and-a-half hour sessions were held from January to March, after which the 14 students completely created a Feelings game, creating their own emotional and situational cards, after searching and defining the main emotions and feelings.
The workshop made it possible to take into account the opinions and emotions felt by each one, by facilitating the exchange, the empathy and the expression of the differences in the respect of the social rules, the laïcité and the civism. The group development process, facilitating the expression and the verbalization of the shared emotions, made it possible overall to gain confidence and confidence of the pupils during the sessions.
Thus, some highly inhibited students succeeded in expressing themselves more easily in the class group. Some "scapegoat" students could be better integrated and accepted by the rest of the class.
A small event at the end of the year allowed the project participants to present it to the rest of the college team. Each student received a box of play, printed by us and three boxes were given to the college for later use.
Finally, this experience has also allowed students in this class to feel elevated compared to other classes in the school.